Connecting people with Jesus
A Mindset for Mission
Northminster, through the leading of the Holy Spirit, seeks to be engaged in God’s mission in the world by:
- Building ongoing supportive partnerships consistent with our mission values.
- Offering the Northminster congregation classes on mission.
- Communicating effectively with our congregation about our mission partners and their ministries.
- Intentionally providing opportunities for our congregation to be involved in mission work through short-term mission trips, conferences, prayer teams and classes on mission.
Northminster Mission Directory
Our NPC Mission Directory is a source of information about the missionaries and ministries with whom Northminster partners. You are encouraged to pray, correspond, volunteer your time and skills, and give financially in support of these mission partners. In doing so, you can take part in the exciting work being accomplished for Christ throughout the world.
Ways You Can Get Involved with Mission at NPC
Ways to Be Engaged
Global Mission
Local Mission
"Someone once said, 'A church that is thoughtful about being engaged in mission thinks glocally.' That non-word is made up of two real words; global and local. As I’ve witnessed the growth of our congregation becoming more and more engaged in God’s mission over the years, I’ve seen our 'glocal' imprint become wider, deeper and stronger."
- Pastor Ken Skodiak
Reaching Your World,
Sharing Christ's Love!
(Pictured: Mission in Puerto Penasco, MX)