Thank you for your support!

God provides for the ministry of our church through your tithes and offerings, and your gifts are honored with faithful stewardship and accountability. It’s more than keeping the lights on and the buildings open; it’s about giving back to God that which is already his ... and it’s about changing lives through the transformative power of the Gospel in our region and beyond.

Christian generosity is rooted in an understanding that all we are and have belongs to God.
– Psalm 24:1

Regular Faithful Giving

Our gratitude is expressed through our faithful obedience to God’s wishes for living which encourages financial support of the church. Ideally, our giving is to be regular, joyful, proportional, and sacrificial.


Northminster’s financial stewardship emphasis is an intentional effort to encourage the biblical pattern of giving. We do this in order to promote spiritual growth and we hope that each member of our congregation will consider regular and faithful giving.

Your Pledge

Each fall, culminating on Consecration Sunday, individuals and families worshiping in person use the Estimate of Giving Cards to update their financial commitment to Northminster for the coming year. You may also now make your pledge online. The estimate may be increased or decreased during the year as your circumstances warrant.


Northminster recognizes the tithe (10% of one’s gross earnings) as a biblical standard for giving. Congregational members are encouraged to consider increasing by 1/2 of 1% per year towards your own personal giving goals.


If you have never made a pledge, begin with a reasonable objective and plan to increase your giving over time.

"But who am I, and who are my people, that we should be able to give as generously as this?

Everything comes from you, and we have given you only what comes from your hand.”

- 1 Chronicles 29:14